Well it has been a busy week for us here at the ranch. We have a new dog to introduce to everyone here at the ranch. Her name is Chloe. She is a rescue that came from Pennsylvania. She is part Maremma & English lab. She is 10 months old.
Chloe |
My husband & I drove to Toledo, Ohio this past Wednesday to meet Hazel, her husband and Chloe. Hazel is the person that actually rescued Chloe. She also has Chloe's "brother". Hazel & her husband drove from their home in Penn.to pick up Chloe, then drove her to meet us in Toledo.
Hazel & Chloe |
Chloe's past situation was not a good one and I will not go into details here on the blog, except to say there are people in this world, that should never have pets. We are happy to have Chloe here with us, along with the other maremmas, Molly our "house dog", the alpacas, goats and chickens. We have her by the house and the goats. We are hoping that she will become bonded to the goats and will be their livestock guard dog. She has been very loveable with us. She has an appointment Monday at the vet, to be checked out and given booster shots. She has no record of any puppy shots.
Chloe & the "bucks" |
Chloe has met all of the animals here on the ranch. She has no interest in the Alpacas, but thinks chickens are fun to "scare". Her and our male maremma, Pan have become friendly. So far, she is not sure of what the goats are or what they are doing. She watches their antics with a tilted head. We still have some work to get her to be a part of the "pack" with the other dogs. She likes to growl at them.
Chloe |
So Chloe's adventures begin... and I will post some of them here for everyone to read.
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